The Optimal Body Reviews | User Testimonials

“My favourite discovery of the year!” – Jade G.

The Optimal Body is a monthly program that helps you to free your body. Every month, you get new muscle activations, HIIT workouts, core stability workouts, mobility flows, mindset tools, and recipes. It’s an all-in-one way to get back in touch with your body, stay moving, and feel healthy.

In this post, I wanted to share some of the amazing feedback we’ve gotten from our Optimal Body members. These are all real Optimal Body reviews.

By far, the most common feedback we get is people are grateful for learning more about their bodies. This has helped them become more aware and mindful as they move through their everyday lives and workouts alike.

Without further ado, here are The Optimal Body reviews:

The Optimal Body monthly membership program has…

Relieved pain

The Optimal Body has honestly changed my life. I was SO scared to move my body with over a year of major SI joint issues and back pain. In 5 months I’ve advanced through the weeks in the calendar. I can now do the circuit workouts and I’m not scared anymore. No more SI belt, and I actually did a workout with my husband yesterday which we haven’t done together in almost 2 years. You guys are amazing.” – Victoria J.

“I’ve seen some amazing changes, especially around my hips, knees, and hamstrings. Shoulders too. I had left knee surgery twice and always had constant pain on the inside of my left knee for years that would not go away even with therapy. It is now gone! Poof, completely vanished!!! I’m ecstatic because I can do squats and no more pain after. I tested it out last week and was waiting for it to pop up but nada! Whoop whoop! A pain in my right hip bone – gone too! Hamstrings are not screaming or cramping up as when I started. And this just two months into the Optimal Body.”

“I truly thank you! I have battled SI issued for 10 years now! So pardon my enthusiasm! Just one of those where have you been all my life moments.” – Chris

“Thank you so much for your program. I was literally considering surgery and ‘Western medicine’ to heal my neck and shoulder pain that I have battled for decades, and overnight after using your mobility flow ONCE I was completely relieved. And I have done EVERYTHING under the sun prior to your program and done it all in. Your program was a godsend. I cannot even exaggerate the amount of happiness it has brought me.” – Michelle S.

Helped to heal and prevent injury

“I really enjoy the workouts and The Optimal Body has helped me massively as I’ve been dealing with back pain and a shoulder injury. Finally I’m becoming more aware of what is going on in my body and really seeing improvements.” – Annabelle

“As someone who suffers from a chipped bone in my lower back and surgery won’t help, I have back pain every day. I also have tight hips. Doing the spine and hip mobility has been helping so much!! Thank you for the program!” – Esther G.

“I love your work and all that I’ve learned, first through the Move to Improve 2021 Challenge and now through The Optimal Body program that I’m doing with you two. I love how the exercises feel so safe and effective, and how I’m learning to tune into my body more and more. I’ve had some major injuries, first in a snow skiing accident in 1991 and then when I rolled my truck 5 times in 2015. I got to experience the mobility flow exercises for Month 2 for the first time this morning. First I watched all the videos and then eagerly did all of them purposefully and mindfully in one sitting! It was phenomenal for me! I think this mobility flow is really going to address the restrictions in my thoracic and cervical spine at a much deeper level than any other work or therapy I’ve ever done (and I’ve done MANY workout programs and had lots of PT and chiro care parentheses so THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!” – Diane P.

Helped people at all ages and stages of life

“I joined the program yesterday after doing the challenge. I am 8 months postpartum and have been so lost with starting to exercise again…I had a few sessions with a pelvic floor PT to resolve some of those, um, ‘issues’ but now I’m wanting to start moving my body again in a safe way and feel like I am starting from scratch with very little overall strength (especially core). I have been loving the challenge videos because it feels so good to move again in a healthy way without overdoing it. Excited to dive in!!” – Shonda H.

“Just using your program half of the week has shown me that I don’t have to ‘feel my age’! Which I now know is a myth. No such thing! THANK YOU Doc Jen and Dom. You have changed everything for me! BTW I don’t need the chiro anymore. Can’t believe how fast improvements are noticed!” – Tamela G.

“You have changed my life! I’m 46 and have been on and off athletic my whole life. Your mobility things help me relieve things and have helped me stay young! It makes me believe there are always solutions to body issues and I do the morning routine daily. I am so grateful.”

Improved workouts

“Definitely run times, distance, and recovery are better since starting the program. Thanks!” – Joe S.

“I purchased your Optimal Body program the other day, and did the first HIIT today. A quick background story: I’ve been a personal trainer for 13 years and have some background as a PTA, so working out is something ingrained in me. OMGosh my upper back is so sore from this first HIIT workout. I was being such a wimp about it and whining to my fiance, but I am so grateful for the work. As much as I know to include the small muscle groups, it is so easy to focus primarily on the larger groups. Thank you, thank you, thank you for putting this program together. I’m super excited for the rest of this month and beyond.” – Danielle N.

“I am on week 2 of the first month and I ALREADY feel stronger! So thank you! I can’t even imagine the transformation my body is going to go through with you!” – Daniela L.

“I did my first Doc Jent Fit Optimal Body workout yesterday and I would definitely recommend it. At-home workouts or bodyweight workouts used to give me a little anxiety because I have SUPER flat feet and knocked knees, so I am extremely conscious of form. I love that she doesn’t just tell you what to do, she does it with you and switches forward-facing and side so you can see her form. It’s quick and effective!” – Brittany S.

And helped people improve their overall health and wellbeing in a holistic way

“I love that your videos are way more than a workout or a stretch… They are educational and also works out our brain with mindset management. A TRUE full-body experience.” – Emily B.

“This is a GREAT program if you are looking to begin a workout routine with an excellent foundation to progress, or just learn to move optimally! Believe it or not, most people move with ‘bad movement manners’ causing strain, pain, and injury. Do yourself the solid favor of getting to know your body, listen and learn how to move better and unhinge those pain patterns – it is THE BEST thing you can do for your body and mind.”

“I purchased your Optimal Body online, and I have seen tremendous progress in everyday actions, whether that’s grabbing something from off the shelf, to picking heavy objects off the floor. Also, I have recognized my energy levels have gone up, and I’m having more clarity in my thoughts. I don’t know if that is a combination of eating healthier and moving but I feel a lot better. And from someone who has never had any interest in doing any type of flows or warmups like this, I have become an advocate for myself and others doing some exercises I’ve seen on the program.” – Trent T.

“I just started doing a couple of weeks of your Optimal Body. It must be having a good effect already. Two of my coworkers spontaneously offered compliments on how I was carrying myself last week. Better posture and just looking stronger. Seems like even just a little of your routine starts setting the body right. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.” – Bill S.

People especially loved…

The cues and easy-to-understand explanations

“Doc Jen Fit is my GO-TO MOBILITY GURU!! I have struggled with some debilitating shoulder impingement for the past few years, so much so that I had to spend about 4 months in physical therapy. Not only was I super bummed to be ‘out of commission’ for a while, but I had no idea how I was going to get back to working out regularly and training the way I was before! Doc Jen breaks down many of the intricate pairings of muscles and joints in the body with such ease and gives you actionable takeaways that are specific enough to cover THE ENTIRE BODY and GET YOU FEELING RIGHT. I implemented one of her standard morning flows from The Optimal Body into my daily practice, and continuously check back in to her page to see what I can do to gain more mobility and stability in and outside of the gym.”

The core workouts

“Thank you for the opportunity to participate and the instruction. There were many points I came away with that brought new insight into how I move with my body, increasing awareness and of course mobility. The core section most in particular. I’m appreciative. Thanks again!” – Charity C.

“The core workout is already making a big difference and I love that you strip it right back to get the internal core strong (something I’ve known I needed to do, but never felt like I was really ‘getting it’. But with your instruction, it is really clear, so thanks! I’m looking into starting the Mobility Method too ;)”

“I want to say what you teach is amazing. I’ve honestly never felt my abs get sore so quick and would’ve never thought it was possible from a 5 MINUTE core mobility session!! It’s insane! I’m loving it and so glad I invested in this!” – Vanessa C.


“I want to thank you because I am learning so much about my body and my mobility is improving daily! The breathing that you offered in month 3 (which used to be month 1) reset my lungs and diaphragm. They weren’t in sync and seemed to be working against each other. So grateful.” – Kim S.

“My back pain has subsided and sleeping without waking up! I’m so motivated to learn more and breathe better. I’m just blown away each time I focus on my breath how much improvement I feel!! This is wonderful.” – Virgie H.

“I woke up with a pain in my left shoulder blade and my pecs. I rolled it out before starting my workout in the morning but it did not really make it go away. It was still bothering me in the afternoon and at that point, I wondered if work stress was contributing. As I was driving my husband to pick up a car from the shop I decided to do some Doc Jen Fit belly breathing. After a couple of minutes, the pain was gone. My only regret is not trying it earlier in the day.” – Dana H.

“I am a trained singer but never did breathwork linked directly to the blueberry cue. Today while I was warming up for church, my brain just went to the blueberry cue ON ITS OWN!! It’s like my voice was generated from deep within. I’ve been to master classes on the breath throughout the years but maybe because none of them were physical therapists they didn’t explain it in the way you did? Well I’m just so THRILLED about what this means for my singing.” – Shelley

The mindset tool

“Your mindset tool has made such a difference. ‘This body I GET to have. Better yet, this body I’m BLESSED to have!'” – Baron C.

“I wanted to thank you for sharing your mindset tool in month 2 for the Optimal Body membership. I am starting up virtual teaching again tomorrow for the rest of the school year and the thought of it is depressing. It’s just not the same as teaching in person. Thank you for the reminder to tell myself I am BLESSED to do things instead o just telling myself I HAVE to do things. Also thank you for helping me take care of my body better. The switch to online teaching has been rough on me, and I’m incredibly grateful for all your mobility flows, HIITs, muscle activations, core…It’s everything I didn’t know I needed.”

Lower body mobility flow

“I am well into my first month The Optimal Body and feeling great! It is hard to pick ‘favorites’, and they all work so well together. However, I have to say that the lower extremity mobility flow unlocked more than just my hips! Transformational! I have long suspected that a large part of the key for me lies in hips/pelvis. Seems I was not wrong. I’m excited to keep moving and delving deeper!” – Lynlee C.

“Loving the content by the way. I’m 3 weeks in and the lower body mobility flow has been amazing for my hip, which I injured a couple of years ago. I’ve been doing the spinal flow every morning and my back feels amazing.” – Samantha F.

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