
TOB Episode 22: Plantar Fasciitis Pearl and Myofascial Release with Jill Miller

Welcome to Episode 22 of The Optimal Body Podcast 

Plantar Fasciitis Pearl and Myofascial Release

Do you have pain on the bottom of your feet? Been diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis? Join us as we talk about the Dos and Don’ts for Plantar Fasciitis and how long you should expect for the pain to subside.  We also explain what Plantar Fasciopathy is and who may be at risk.  Later, we talk to Jill Miller, founder of Tune Up Fitness Worldwide and empress of massage therapy, about different massage therapy techniques and tools.  We also touch up on her personal journey towards regenerative fitness and how she created it.  Come listen to her explain myofascial release, the truths and myths about it, and how you can manipulate fascia to decrease pain.  


We also mention The Optimal Body and it’s time limited on sale price. To grab your discounted membership account now and discover what optimal means within your own body, click here: https://www.docjenfit.com/theoptimalbody/


What You Will Learn in this episode:

PT Pearl: Plantar Fasciitis and What To Do

00:59 – What Plantar Fasciitis, how do you get it, and when it may be presented 

03:04 – What Plantar Fasciopathy is and what it means – What a heel spur is

04:22 – Who is at risk? – Why you may not even know you have it

06:46 – Common techniques that do not work for plantar fasciitis 

12:40 – Techniques that do help for plantar fasciitis long term – Finding the internal source of pain

15:39 – 2 example exercises that help plantar fasciitis  

19:10 – How long it will take to relieve your pain – What to avoid during the healing process

To Watch the PT Pearl on YouTube, click here: https://youtu.be/kT5MoAEfr-E

Interview with Jill Miller: @yogatuneup

23:53 – Jill Miller’s background with fitness, her business, and her content available

25:14 – Regenerative fitness and what that means

26:08 – What kind of massage tools Jill uses to deepen this practice – What led her to these tools

32:45 – What fascia is and how can you manipulate it

37:17 –  How long soft tissue massage lasts – The benefits found in long term routines

41:42 – What self myofascial release is and the truth behind it – What you should be targeting

46:36 – How your nervous system relates to muscle knots or trigger points 

52:13 – Why smashing your muscles with hard tools may be harmful to your body

54:58 – How breathwork and position may be incorporated with the use of these massage tools

56:30 – When rolling out is the most beneficial and why


About Jill Miller:

Jill Miller, C-IAYT, ERYT is the co-founder of Tune Up Fitness Worldwide and creator of the self-care fitness formats Yoga Tune Up® and The Roll Model® Method. With more than 30 years of study in anatomy and movement, she is a pioneer in forging relevant links between the worlds of fitness, yoga, massage, athletics and pain management. Her unique self-care fitness programming has been adopted by global gym chains Equinox. 24 Hour Fitness, Yoga Works and integrated into clinical practice and athletic facilities across the globe. Jill is the former anatomy columnist for Yoga Journal Magazine and featured in multiple publications including the Wall Street Journal, O, Shape, Women’s Health and featured on the Today Show and Oprah Winfrey Network. She is the author of the bestselling book The Roll Model: A Step by Step Guide to Erase Pain, Improve Mobility and Live Better in your Body. She is also a contributing author to “Fascia, Function and Medical Application.” She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two children. She is currently writing her second book


Items mentioned in this episode include:

The Optimal Body: https://www.docjenfit.com/theoptimalbody/

Jill Miller’s Website: https://www.tuneupfitness.com/

Tune Up Fitness Massage Therapy Balls: https://www.tuneupfitness.com/?rfsn=2660179.4964a0

Jill’s book “The Role Model”: https://www.tuneupfitness.com/roll-model-book-jill-miller


Research Citations:

Bartold, S. (2020, January 11). Plantar Heel Pain: How you treat it may not be evidence based. Retrieved from https://www.bartoldclinical.com/plantar-heel-pain/

Rathleff, M. (2019, June 23). Plantar Fasciopathy (AKA plantar fasciitis). Retrieved from https://www.physio-network.com/plantar-fasciopathy-aka-plantar-fasciitis-important-research-by-michael-rathleff-2/

Rathleff, M. S., Mølgaard, C. M., Fredberg, U., Kaalund, S., Andersen, K. B., Jensen, T. T., . . . Olesen, J. L. (2014). High-load strength training improves outcome in patients with plantar fasciitis: A randomized controlled trial with 12-month follow-up. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 25(3). Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/sms.12313

Wearing, S. (2019, November 04). Volume 32 – Number 11 – November 2019. From https://www.podiatrytoday.com/issue/11522


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