
80 | Cold Therapy – To ice or not to ice?

The Optimal Body Podcast Episode 80 - Cold therapy, to ice or not to ice?

Welcome to episode 80 of The Optimal Body Podcast

Cold Therapy – To ice or not to ice?

To ice or not to ice an injury? With different health professionals advising for and against using ice post-injury, you are not alone if you are feeling confused. From RICE to PEACE & LOVE, Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom uncover the evolution of the ice protocol, and simplify explanations surrounding the immunology behind inflammation and swelling. By honing in on the importance of allowing the body to mediate its natural healing mechanisms and processes, they provide insight into the benefits and considerations with using ice, considering the psychological influence of optimism. Finally, Dr. Jen & Dr. Dom shed light on the nervous system with regards to management and how healthy stressors highlight the adaptive capabilities of the body. Let’s dive in!

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We also mention Clearlight Sauna in this episode. To get your very own at-home spa that will surround you with wellness, use code ‘OPTIMAL’ at checkout or say Doc Jen and Dr. Dom sent you! (affiliate code).

What you will learn in this PT Pearl:

2:17 – Understanding where you primarily move and how to relieve pressure

5:20 – History of icing

10:53 – What is the ice actually doing?

12:50 – P.E.A.C.E & L.O.V.E.

15:06 – Inflammation vs Edema

17:10 – When is ice effective?

21:55  – Systemic Cryotherapy

24:12 – The importance of exposure to healthy stressors

28:25 – Ice Bath Protocols

Research Citations

Wood, Z. (2020, December). To Ice or Not To Ice An Injury? 

Reinold, M. (2018 July) Is Icing an Injury Really Bad for You?

Bleakley, C. M., Glasgow, P. & MacAuley, D. C. (2012). PRICE needs updating, should we call the POLICE? British Journal of Sports Medicine. 46, 220–221.

Mirkin, G. (2014, March 16). Why Ice Delays Recovery.

Dubois, B. & Esculier, J-F. (2020). Soft-tissue injuries simply need PEACE and LOVE. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 54, 72-73.

Scott, A., Khan, K. M., et al. (2004). What do we mean by the term “inflammation”? A contemporary basic science update for sports medicine. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 38, 372–380.

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