
265 | What Is Manual Therapy and When Is It Beneficial with Dr. Erson Religioso

265 | What Is Manual Therapy and When Is It Beneficial with Dr. Erson Religioso

Welcome to episode 265 of The Optimal Body Podcast

What Is Manual Therapy and When Is It Beneficial with Dr. Erson Religioso

Does manual therapy fix you or put structures back into place? We have Dr. Erson to discuss the truths about manual therapy and how we can optimally use manual therapy to create long term change. Firstly, Dr. Erson discusses the difference between softer approaches and bruising to determine a successful treatment. Using the analogy of hip displacement before pelvic trauma in car crashes, Dr.Erson discusses what it means when you pelvis is “rotated,” and the physiology of what is happening during manual therapy. Then, he targets 3 ways to approach pain that goes and comes, as well as how effective self-performed soft tissue mobilizations are. Finally, he provides insight on whether asymmetries affect the body and whether strength training is helpful through pain. Finally, he touches base with tendon organisation and whether manual therapy facilitates the physiological healing process from an injury. Fact vs Fiction in manual therapy! Let’s dive in!

What You Will Learn In This Interview with Dr. Erson Religioso

3:42 – What lead to manual therapy for Dr. Erson

12:12 – Is bruising determine a successful manual therapy treatment?

13:45 – Can you really put your pelvis/ hip back in place?

15:41 – Why are we stuck on putting things back into place?

21:19 – Does manual therapy actually put things back in place? Does arthritis = pain?

23:57 – 3 things you need to consider if you have pain that flares up and goes

26:14 – How effective is self soft-tissue work?

31:09 – Should you strength train when you have pain?

34:05 – To what degree does asymmetry affect the body?

37:46 – Should you go to a manual therapist or a personal trainer to rehabilitate pain?

41:10 – Can manual therapy help with the physiological healing process of different injuries?

43:53 – Perception of stretch

51:29 – Learn more with Dr. Erson

About Dr. Erson Religioso

Dr. Erson Religioso III, DPT, MS, MTC, CertMDT, CFC, CertMST, CNPT, FAAOMPT, is a fellowship trained cash based PT practice owner, entrepreneur, blogger, and sought after lecturer in the topic of Modern Manual Therapy. He has a #CashPT Practice in the Buffalo, NY area, EDGE Rehab and Sport Science, where he specializes in TMD, headaches, spinal care, runners, gymnasts, and chronic pain. His focus is seeing the patient as little as possible, and empowering them with education, self assessment and treatment strategies.

Erson has been PT faculty of local Buffalo PT Schools, including D’Youville College, Daemen College, and SUNY Buffalo.

He also developed a line of manual therapy, mobility, fitness, strength, and rehab products along with pain science education materials at EDGE Mobility System.

Modern Manual Therapy – The Eclectic Approach is Dr. Religioso’s line of seminars for clinicians that are taught online and in live venues around the world. Seminars topics include Manual Therapy, Patient Education, Blood Flow Restriction Therapy/Training, Barbell Therapy, and Nutrition for Clinicians.

Dr. E is now offering his services as both an online clinical mentor to clinicians at Modern Rehab Mastery, traveling OMPT Fellowship mentor, online patient consultations, and online business and social media consultation. He also has a popular podcast, Untold Physio Stories.

Additionally, Dr. E is on the Expert Review Board for Sleep Junkie, a Clinical Mentor for Activcore, and an ambassador for Helix Pain Creams.

Erson is a family man, married to the best woman in the world, and currently has 6 beautiful children. He enjoys running with them, watching them in competitive gymnastics and watching Disney/Pixar movies. He is also a huge tech geek and loves all things Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek. If you see Dr. E out and about, or at a seminar, ask him to grab a beer or coffee and talk about shop or anything!

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