
257 | Nagivating Fear and Anxiety with Ben Harris

Nagivating Fear and Anxiety with Ben Harris

Welcome to episode 257 of The Optimal Body Podcast

Navigating Fear and Anxiety with Ben Harris

Is fear holding you back? Ben Harris, a fear coach, describes fear as a protective mechanism, alluding it to concepts of love and disguise. Then, he dives into how you can identify the root cause of your fears and the true feeling of liberation when you tap into the depths of your fears. He provides insight into the fear alchemy and explains the 10 foundational fears in a general context. By honing in on journaling, he speaks to the importance of exploring your fears and when its time to dive into your fears. Furthermore, he distinguishes intuition from social pressures and how you can begin to navigate imposter syndrome. Finally, he describes the difference between physiological and emotional fear, providing insight into the Wim Hoff breathing technique. Let’s dive in!

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What You Will Learn In This Interview with Ben Harris

3:44 – Fear as a response to protection

8:56 – Fear as love and disguise

12:19 – How do you identify the root cause of your fear

18:23 – What is fear Alchemy?

23:31 – Foundational fears

25:09 – Why is it important to explore your fears?

27:36 – How do you know when to tap into your fears?

31:49 – Distinguishing between intuition and social pressure

39:13 – Imposter syndrome – fear of not being good enough

46:19 – Physiological Fear & Wim Hoff

About Ben Harris

Ben Harris is your guide for navigating fear and anxiety. Rooted in love and the superpower of belief in himself and others, Ben is a testament of what possibilities arise when you lean into fear and trust your inner knowing.

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