
249 | The Tools & Techniques Necessary to Combat Chronic Stress with Dr. David Rabin

249 | The Tools & Techniques Necessary to Combat Chronic Stress with Dr. David Rabin

Welcome to episode 249 of The Optimal Body Podcast

The Tools & Techniques Necessary to Combat Chronic Stress with Dr. David Rabin

The American Institute of Stress reported that 33% of individuals experience extreme stress, of which 73% struggle with stress-related mental health issues. We have Dr. David Rabin to discuss the prevalence of chronic stress in today’s world and how breathwork, heart rate variability, and touch play a role in significantly modulating stress experience. Speaking into the evolution of the ‘hardwired’ stress response and how the flight, fright, freeze response applies to the current world, Dr. David speaks into the type of breathing that can navigate the stress response, as well as how consistent practice can change the game for anxiety and discomfort related to uncertainty. Then, Dr. David touches base with heart rate variability as a marker of resilience and recovery. Finally, he discusses the neurobiology of touch and how it can elicit the same parasympathetic (rest, digest, recover) response as breathwork can. Explaining the neuroscience behind the Apollo device, he explains the 7 different experiences that can be targeted through the skin and how the Apollo device targets these skin experiences. Finally, he dives into self-medication and how addictive behaviours and binging on Netflix are behaviours of discomfort avoidance, providing efficient and optimal tools to navigate discomfort. Learn how you can community safety to the brain through non-invasive treatment!

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What You Will Learn In This Interview with Dr. David Rabin

4:14 – Why is chronic stress so prevalent nowadays?

8:50 – Does the stress response differ between encountering a lion or work stress?

14:27 – Does the type of breathing matter when it comes to chronic stress?

19:01 – Do you need to do breathwork every day?

24:26 – Heart rate variability

30:08 – Healing touch

34:59 – Apollo Device

40:08 – We have 7 different songs for the skin

47:32 – Learn more with Dr Dave

48:40 – Self-medication & discomfort avoidance

About Dr. David Rabin

Dr. David Rabin, MD, PhD, is a neuroscientist, board-certified psychiatrist, health tech entrepreneur & inventor who has been studying the impact of chronic stress in humans for more than a decade. He is the co-founder & chief innovation officer at Apollo Neuroscience, which has developed the first scientifically validated wearable technology that actively improves energy, focus & relaxation, using a novel touch therapy that signals safety to the brain. Dr. Dave has always been fascinated by consciousness and our inherent ability to heal ourselves from injury and illness. As such, he has specifically focused his research on the clinical translation of non-invasive therapies for patients with treatment-resistant illnesses like PTSD and substance use disorders. Dr. Rabin is the co-founder and executive director of the Board of Medicine, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization of physicians and scientists establishing the first peer-reviewed, evidence-based clinical guidelines for the production and safe use of currently unregulated alternative medicines, including plant medicines. The Board of Medicine trains and certifies healthcare providers and provides quality control standards for complementary and alternative medicines to support high-quality clinical research, best practices, and risk reduction. In addition to his clinical psychiatry practice, Dr. Dave is currently conducting research on the epigenetic regulation of trauma responses and recovery to elucidate the mechanism of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and the neurobiology of belief. Dr. Rabin received his MD in medicine and PhD in neuroscience from Albany Medical College and specialized in psychiatry with a distinction in research at Western Psychiatric Institute & Clinic at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. He has been married to his co-founder, Kathryn Fantauzzi, since 2016.

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