
244 | How Do I Fix All My Imbalances in My Body?

244 | How Do I Fix All My Imbalances in My Body?

Welcome to Episode 244 of The Optimal Body Podcast

How Do I Fix All My Imbalances in My Body?

Do you need to fix your imbalances? DocJen & Dr. Dom discuss muscular imbalances, normalizing asymmetries that are present within our bodies from birth. Discussing gluteal amnesia, leg length discrepancy, cerebral palsy, and breathing conditions, they describe how mind-body connection relates to perpetuating pain and how pain is multifactorial. Then, they describe how you can begin to assess muscle imbalances by evaluating movement tendencies, exploring activations within the body, and addressing movement restrictions. Let’s dive in to learn more!

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What You Will Learn PT Pearl:

03:20 – The role of the mind-body connection in perpetuating pain

04:12 – Pain is Multifactorial

03:33 – Asymmetries within the body

11:54 – Changing movement patterns and movement tendencies

17:19 – How do you assess muscle imbalances?

14:38 –  Assessing mind-body connection

14:38 – Assessing movement restrictions

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