
229 | Clearing up Confusion Around Vitamins & Supplementation with Dr. Levitan and Dr. Block

229 | Clearing up Confusion Around Vitamins & Supplementation with Dr. Levitan and Dr. Block

Welcome to episode 229 of The Optimal Body Podcast

Clearing up Confusion Around Vitamins & Supplementation with Dr. Levitan and Dr. Block

Can you trust the supplement industry? Dr. Levitan and Dr. Block unveil the truths about the supplementation industry, describing how vitamin deficiencies can manifest symptomatically or asymptomatically, indicating a basic requirement of trialing a supplement for 90 days to see or feel benefits in symptoms. Moreover, they explain how unregulated the industry is and what seals to look out for on supplements in order to determine quality. Then, they mention how calcium is best absorbed through diet, and how multivitamins may be unnecessary, highlighting the advantages of personal supplements. Additionally, they discuss how some vitamins, such as Vitamin D, need to be supplemented and what micronutrients may be of more importance throughout life or with different diet choices. Finally, they discuss why you may need to supplement, how going organic can be advantageous if feasible, and how often you should re-assess your vitamin needs.

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What You Will Learn In This Interview with Dr, Levitan & Dr. Block

4:06 Why are Dr. Levitan & Dr. Block passionate about vitamins?

6:48 – Personalized vitamins – what YOU need

13:25 – Symptomatic vs Asymptomatic Deficiencies

17:57 – Determining the quality of vitamins & vitamin combinations

18:29 – Unregulated vitamin industry

24:01 – Dangerous vitamin combinations

25:57 – What vitamins are better received through the diet

27:57 – Can you get enough vitamin D and iron from diet?

30:20 – Vitamin supplementations for vegans/ vegetarians vs carnivore diet

32:40 – Vitamin differences for women through life

36:33 – Should you go organic?

37:18 – How long should you try a supplement?

29:34 Do you re-assess your supplement intake?

41:01– Where can you find the survey & learn more?

About Dr. Levitan and Dr. Block

Arielle Levitan, MD, is a board-certified internal medicine physician and the co-founder of Vous Vitamin, LLC. She is the co-author of the award-winning book The Vitamin Solution: Two Doctors Clear Confusion About Vitamins and Your Health, published in November 2015. She attended Stanford University and Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, and has served as chief medical resident for the Northwestern University McGaw Medical Center’s Evanston Hospital Program and as a clinical instructor for its medical school. Dr. Levitan has a special interest in women’s health and preventive medicine and currently practices general internal medicine on the North Shore of Chicago where she teaches medical students on-site. She enjoys cooking, cardio tennis, running, being a soccer mom (sometimes), and spending time with her three kids and husband, also a doctor of internal medicine.

Romy Block, MD, is a board-certified specialist in endocrine and metabolism medicine, member of the American Thyroid Association, and the co-founder of Vous Vitamin, LLC. She is the co-author of the award-winning book The Vitamin Solution: Two Doctors Clear Confusion About Vitamins and Your Health, published in November 2015. She attended Tufts University and Tel Aviv University’s Sackler School of Medicine. She completed residency training in internal medicine at North Shore University Hospital—North Shore-LIJ and did a fellowship at New York University. Dr. Block practices on the North Shore of Chicago where she specializes in thyroid disorders and pituitary diseases. She enjoys travel, food and wine, working out with a personal trainer, and spending time with her husband (a pulmonary and sleep specialist) and their three boys.

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