
208 | Persistent Knee Pain with Running or Jumping? Is it Knee Tendinitis?

Persistent Knee Pain with Running or Jumping? Is it Knee Tendinitis?

Welcome to Episode 208 of The Optimal Body Podcast

Persistent Knee Pain with Running or Jumping? Is it Knee Tendinitis?

Knee pain from running or jumping? Perhaps a knee tendonitis diagnosis? DocJen & Dr. Dom present current perspectives on understandings surrounding tendonitis and tendonopathy. As they describe the anatomy of the patella tendon, they dive into potential risk factors for tendonitis, stages of tendonopathy, and stages of rehabilitation for tendon re-modelling, They provide insight on whether or not ice is beneficial, the importance of activity modification, and the most optimal progressions to progressively loading the patella tendon. Learn how you can optimize your knees!

Watch Episode 208 on Youtube

What You Will Learn PT Pearl:

02:25 – Anatomy of patella tendon

03:58 – Tendonitis vs Tendonosis

07:07 – Risk Factors for tendonitis

08:44 Stages of tendonopathy

09:46  Should you ice?

10:36 – The key is Activity Modification

12:53 – What to do for tendon remodelling?

15:27 –Adding load over time

16:38 – High repetition vs load & plyometrics

17:49 – Mobility & activations


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