
184 | Our 4 Favorite Breath Exericses

184 | Our 4 Favorite Breath Exericses

Welcome to Episode 184 of The Optimal Body Podcast

Our 4 Favorite Breath Exercises

Want to start breathwork, but don’t know where to start? DocJen & Dr. Dom present 4 different breath exercises: variations of box breathing, extended breathing, the one-minute reset, and Wim Hoff Breathing. They dive into how to perform these exercises, how these different exercises can be advantageous, how breathing can be beneficial in mobility, and how breathing can optimize CO2 tolerance, especially done nasally. Let’s dive into breath work!

Watch Episode 184 on Youtube

Move2Improve 2022! We’re focussing on Strength & Mobility this time around. DocJen is going to show up with you every day for 20 days to open up your mobility, build consistency, re-coordinate your core, and build some true strength. We’re getting to the roots of form and the body, moving you forward to feel something different. Share it with your friends to get “Refer a friend” cash back! Join us before it’s too late!

What You Will Learn PT Pearl:

02:49 – Box Breathing

05:01 – Modulating stress/relax response with inhalers & exhales

06:19 – Extending breaths

08:08 – How to Box breath

10:38 – The One Minute Reset

11:36 – How to access the diaphragm & improving mobility

15:21 – Holotropic/ Wim Hoff Breathing

18:42 – Why breathing practices are important – CO2 tolerance‌‌

20:38 – Nasal Breathing‌‌


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