
181 | Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery & Recovery with Katie Goss

181- Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery & Recovery with Katie Goss

Welcome to Episode 181 of The Optimal Body Podcast 

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery & Recovery with Katie Goss

Going through pelvic organ prolapse? Considering surgery? Thinking about pregnancy? Katie Goss takes us through her story with multiple pelvic organ prolapses and her experience with the healthcare industry. As she educates more in an online space, through Whealth, she speaks to changing the realms within the healthcare industry and the importance of valuing child care. Furthermore, she describes her prolapse symptoms, providing insight into her initial experiences with pelvic floor physical therapy, and how it took time for her to find the right one. Providing the physiology behind prolapse and the different stages, she dives into what she did to return to running and lifting. Moreover, Katie discusses how pelvic organ prolapse is diagnosed and whether or not repercussions of her surgery persist. She gets vulnerable about pelvic pain and her decision to choose surgery, ultimately sharing the purpose behind Whealth! Tune in!

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What you will learn in this interview with Katie Goss

3:23 – Katie’s background – changing realms within the healthcare industry

7:16 – Educating more in an online space

11:57  – Valuing Childcare

13:11 – Valuing Childcare

17:52 – How did Katie return to running & PT

20:36 – What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse & the different stages

23:27 – Examinations & Diagnosis

25:40- How did Katie work on her prolapse

28:16  – Katie’s experience with surgery for her prolapse

31:20 – Did surgery help Katie’s symptoms

33:36 – Has Katie felt any repercussions after her surgery?

39:38 – The purpose behind Whealth

42:15Pillars of Whealth

About Katie Goss

My interest in health and wellness began 20 years ago when I decided to take on a career in nursing because I was passionate about helping others. As a cardiac critical care nurse, I enjoyed the constant learning and critical thinking it required. After several years I became frustrated with the constraints placed on medical providers by insurance companies and hospital administrators. It became increasingly difficult to find the time to educate patients and prepare them for success as the hospitals cut staff and increased patient loads. After navigating the medical system as a patient and struggling to get the answers to my own health issue, I became passionate about creating a change in the way healthcare works. Knowing the power of prevention and self-care, I left the medical field, trained in Pilates and continued my own health journey experimenting with different approaches.

I believe that our healthcare system is amazing at treating emergencies; in other facets however, I consider it to be a sick-care system. I feel that education is the first step in creating lifestyle choices that improve overall health and believe people should be the drivers in their own health journey. Having seen and treated MANY diseases which were caused by lifestyle factors, I know the power that lies in modifying daily choices to achieve optimal health, happiness, and performance.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my sweet sons, being outdoors, cleaning and organizing ALL THE THINGS (yes, seriously), collecting plants, cooking, reading, and laughing with the loves of my life. I cherish my fiancé, Andrew, and love our family we’ve created.

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