
106 | QL causing low back pain or problems? Tune in!

The Optimal Body- QL Pain

Welcome to episode 106 of The Optimal Body Podcast

QL causing low back pain or problems? Tune in!

Do you have pain on the side of the low back? Find yourself blaming QL tightness for your back pain? Perhaps the QL is much more integrated than we think. DocJen & Dr. Dom dissect the QL and explain the fascial connections that intersect and integrate with the QL. They hone in on its connections with the rib cage and lower core, discussing its function in spinal movements and breathing patterns. Furthermore, they explain common symptoms and complaints associated with QL pain and how trigger points in the QL may lead to referral patterns. They explore how prolonged sitting, hip pain, and low back pain can be associated with the QL, as well as their top recommendations when addressing and treating QL-associated symptoms. Learn how you can approach your QL trigger points on your own terms!

Watch episode 106 on Youtube

We also mention the GeniusMobility Supplement (affiliate link) in this episode. In this Genius x DocJen collaboration, the supplement contains all-natural ingredients with superfoods known to have joint supportive, stress balancing, and anti-inflammatory effects based on scientific research. With one scoop containing the recommended daily dose of Ashwagandha, Nuclear Eggshell Membrane, and Curcumin, you will be on your way to replenished and optimally functioning joints! Dose your joints with the nutrients it needs, soothe pain, and move with ease.

What you will learn in this PT Pearl:

3:20 – Dissecting the QL

5:35 – The low core

6:21 – Thoracolumbar fascia

8:47 – QL role in breathing

9:42 – QL associated symptoms

12:00 – Treating QL trigger points

14:27 – Passive modalities

16:06 – Tools to help QL-associated symptoms

18:14  – Techniques for nerve entrapment around the QL area

20:14  – Core work

Sources cited

Bordoni, Bruno, and Matthew Varacallo. 2018. “Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis, Quadratus Lumborum.” Nih.gov. StatPearls Publishing. December 19, 2018.

“Quadratus Lumborum.” 2019. Physiopedia. 2019.

‌Phillips, S, S Mercer, and N Bogduk. 2008. “Anatomy and Biomechanics of Quadratus Lumborum.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 222 (2): 151–59.

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