Podcast Category: Debunking

156 | Listener Q&A: Pelvic Floor, Ankle Popping and Coaching Cues!

Worried about noises in your ankle? Can you stop bodywork if you improve mobility? Thinking about working with your significant other? Thinking about investing in a pair of Vivo Barefoot shoes? DocJen & Dr. Dom dive into it all, providing their insights on coaching beginners, the power of mobility, the pelvic floor, breaking stigmas around working with your partner, the noises from your ankles, and their favorite VivoBarefoot shoes! Tune in!

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151 | Understanding the Health Benefits of Nasal Breathing and Breathwork

Brian Mackenzie is on for the second time to explain the science behind breath and how it can modulate panic, anxiety, and pain. Brian discusses how we can control our breathing to upregulate or downregulate the body. In light of his Nosevember challenge, Brian dives into the anatomy and physiology of nasal breathing and how it plays into deviated septums, snoring, pain, and switching on the parasympathetic nervous system.

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150 | Cortisone Injections: When Should We Use Them & Are They Effective?

DocJen & Dr. Dom let the truths ring free about cortisone injections. They dive into how cortisone injections work, simply describing how it affects pain and inflammation. They break down cortisone injection categories and provide insight into how glucocorticoids metabolize in the body.  Moreover, they present current perspectives on cortisone injections through research. Keep Moving!

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145 | Vagina Hygiene, Health and Rehab with Dr. Janelle Howell

With an overarching emphasis on addressing the root cause, Dr. Janelle debunks common myths about Vaginal Hygiene, discusses basic anatomy and what different odors indicate, which products and ingredients to avoid, and how to prevent infection by maintaining vaginal acidity. Moreover, she discusses the benefits of fibrous foods, and clarifies the use of lubrication. Also, she addresses how sex is a two way street, honing in on the importance of postural function on pelvic health and how to improve pelvic floor function.

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144 | Scoliosis: Why Does it Develop and What Can You Do About It?

DocJen describes her journey with her diagnosis story, she shares her experience with attributing her pains and limitations to her scoliosis and how her diagnosis wasn’t necessarily the source of her pain. DocJen & Dr. Dom speak into imaging and degrees of Scoliosis and how movement can change your symptoms and allow you to truly feel something different. They describe the types of scoliosis, the effects of surgery, and explain the naturally-existing asymmetries within our bodies. Finally, they provide their top tips for addressing your Scoliosis, leaving you with a heartful takeaway that you won’t want to miss! 

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142 | Bad Posture? How Do You Fix It?

DocJen and Dr. Dom break down the misconceptions around posture and unveil the truths around how posture is dynamic rather than a static hold. They shift the narrative around addressing posture, discussing the role the brain and the nervous system play in resting posture, contemporary findings research presents on posture, and how posture relates to breath and pressure systems. Finally, they address posture-correcting adjustments and provide their biggest tips in finding YOUR most optimal resting position.

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140 | Arthritis: Different Types and Treatments

DocJen & Dr. Dom hone in on stripping away the fear that is associated with the Arthritis diagnosis. They touch base with 7 different types of arthiritis, what is happening within the body respectively, and emphasize the importance of moving. They provide insight into how continuing to move within what is tolerable within your body and the importance of looking at the body systemically and how to combat systemic and chronic inflammation. Finally, DocJen & Dr Dom mention their favorite tips on how cold and hot therapy may be beneficial, the power of breath in modulating the nervous system to navigate chronic inflammation, and how to address your stressors!

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138 | Patellar Tracking: Is Your Kneecap Sliding Out of Alignment?

DocJen & Dr.Dom discuss if taping or manual therapy actually puts the kneecap back into alignment, the extent to which the appearance of structure actually matters, and the anatomy and physiology surrounding the patella. They provide insight into how symptoms can rise with patella tracking, how to begin addressing your patella tracking, and how to focus on function over appearance. Finally, they address the VMO muscle and explain how it integrates with the rehabilitation of patella tracking-related issues. Let’s tune in!

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137 | The science behind cupping with Dr. Chris DaPrato

Dr. Chris Daprato walks us through his path to and experience with cupping. Soon after, he deciphers the science behind cupping, addressing range of motion, blood circulation, and fascial lubrication. Then, Dr. Chris explains the term ‘fascial decompression,’ and how cupping can pull in fascial slings. Furthermore, he debunks myths around cup coloration, the ultimate goal of cupping, and his best tips on how to perform cupping on yourself. He provides insight into heat and non-heat cups.

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136 | Massage Guns: What do they do?

DocJen & Dr. Dom decipher the massage gun and the mechanism behind it function in a simple manner. They hay down the truths about how massage guns truly work within the body and its effects on range of motion, debunking myths. Finally, they provide insight into when to use massage guns, and how to choose the best soft-tissue tool depending on different intentions.

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