Podcast Category: Debunking

238 | The “Health Myths” We Hate!

DocJen and Dr. Dom debunk 5 health misconceptions, discussing whether or not adjustments put structures back in place, the truth about passive treatments, avoiding knees over toes to prevent knee pain, pushing the low back into the ground during core work, and genetic predispositions behind specific pain points.

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237 | Breaking Down Nutritional Myths with Jessie Hoffman

Gut health is all the rave and we have Dr. Jessie Hoffman on to artificial sweeteners, leaky gut, gastrointestinal distress, bloating, food intolerances and sensitivities, detox, and metal binders.

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235 | Unpacking Genetics and It’s Impact on Our Health with Dr. Yael Joffe

Dr. Yael provides insights on the inability to change your genes, but the ability to impact the expression of genes. With a clear explanation of genetics, epigenetics, and nutrigenomics, Dr. Yael discusses medical genetics and the concept of “genes are destiny.” Additionally, she dives into the heritability of injury, how genetic testing can be beneficial for behavior change, and how your genes are involved in your detoxification efficacy and inflammation regulation. Finally. Dr. Yael shares a case study on genetics and root-cause analysis to approach obesity.

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223 | What is Fascia with David Lesondak

We have David Lesondak, fascia expert, on to discuss what fascia is and its physiological function. As an integrative network of connective tissue, David shares how fascial manipulation has its own method of maneuver and how issues related to fascia can affect areas above or below the symptomatic area. Furthermore, David explains how to establish long-term fascial results and the physiological mechanism of the sensation of “release.” Moreover, he provides insight on the function of the IT band, how to optimize tools, and how to approach clients with the sensations they may feel. Finally, David provides detail on how to add to fascial manipulation through at- home guidance.

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222 | Biceps Tendinitis: Inflammation or degeneration of the tendon?

DocJen & Dr. Dom break down what biceps tendinitis is and the paradigm shift from tendinitis to tendonosis or tendinopathy. Furthermore, they discuss the pathophysiology behind its prevalence amongst overhead or throwing athletes, how bicep injuries may be associated with rotator cuff injuries, and who amongst the general population is most susceptible. Finally, they explain the common symptoms associated with the diagnosis and run through a 5 step approach to rehabilitating biceps tendonosis: managing pain and isometrics, eccentric loading, dynamic movement, plyometrics, and considering the shoulder blade, pectoralis, and core. 

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213 | Why Getting Barefoot Can Help Your Back Pain with Ben Le Vescontec

Ben, functional exercise specialist, explains the biology simply and briefly, Ben explains how a barefoot shoe can help your back pain, who barefoot shoes are for, and the role of barefoot shoes in sport. Ben dives into orthotics, arch support, and how you can progress to running in barefoot shoes. Providing research, he provides insight on recent perspective regarding footwear, especially regarding immediate improvements in balance.

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211 | Understanding Essential Oil Research and Effective Use with Jodi Cohen

Jodi Cohen discusses how impactful essential oils can be on the vagus nerve, and therefore the rest, digest, and recover parasympathetic nervous system. She provides research on its effects on anxiety, depression and migraines, and how it plays a role in combatting mental health issues. Furthermore, she shares her oil blends: parasympathetic, lymphatic, circulation, and histamine balance, and the most optimal way of using essential oils. Finally, Jodi describes how oil pulling can be beneficial in preventing infections.

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209 | Does Posture Matter with Lara Heimann

Lara provides insight on how posture is multifaceted and how it relates to energy, mood, movement efficiency, biomechanics, and pain! Debunking myths around how posture is the cause of all pain, Lara briefly discusses the neurology surrounding pain. Furthermore, Lara explains the research on the biochemical effects of posture and how it affects efficiency in different aspects of life, providing an awareness tool to become more aware of your posture

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205 | Transparency In the Meat Industry with Sean Lenihan

We’re re-discovering the meat industry, deciphering the nuances in labels and how you can get the most ethically and nutritious sourced meats. Sean dives into what brought him to the Bison business, explains what ruminants are, and why grass-fed is important. Furthermore, he unveils the truths about buying meat by the weight and how organs meats can be a naturally sourced multivitamin.

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201 | Understanding how Glucose Effects our Metabolic Health with Kara Collier

We have Kara, registered dietician, and co-founder of NutriSense, on to discuss how blood glucose levels are a core marker of metabolic health. She speaks tot he four pillars of glucose control – nutrition, sleep, stress, and movement- and how glucose maintenance can be affected. Finally, she explores the topic of menstruation and how women can optimize their blood glucose health throughout the month.

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