Sign up and get started on Day 0 Self-Assessments now!



  • 30 Structured Days with Full Calendar to Track Progress
  • Self-Assessment Videos
  • Full Body Mobility Flows
  • Functional & Educational Strength Workouts Made for Everyone
  • Core Stability Workouts
  • Muscle Activation Corrective Exercises
  • Weekly Mind-Body Pain Reset Tools + Daily Goal Setting
  • Breathwork, Affirmations, & Accountability
  • 26 Full Videos to Follow with Expert Cueing

P.S. Yup... all of this for just over $1/DAY!! That's just a $45 investment into your health!




(31 videos over 30 days!)

5 Self Assessments

It's difficult to know where to start without understanding what your body needs first. We will use five specific self-assessments to begin this challenge on "Day 0" and then re-assess at the end of the 30 days to see (or feel) a difference!

Value of 1 Physical Therapy Appointment for Assessment = $75

10 Mobility Flows

Mobility is crucial to a healthy body. It is key to providing the foundation from which your body improves upon and moves freely. Learn how to properly assess your restrictions and do the mobility exercises that will help to improve range of motion and relieve tension! Learn how to use mobility as a warm-up, cool-down or on it's own! We will be going through full body flows, upper body flows, lower body flows and flows specific for the spine.

Value of 10 Full Classes by a Physical Therapist = $100 (at minimum!)

7 Functional & Educational Strength Workouts

Strength is imperative to function, pain control, and overall resiliency within the body. These workouts are meant for every level, beginning with exercises to activate and stimulate the muscle groups we will be using, into either a full body workout, upper body or lower body workout. We will then end with a muscle burnout finisher. It is your choice to add weights to increase resistance or just follow along with your own body weight. I will be doing the full workout with you to maximize education, cueing and understanding throughout the workouts.

Value of 7 Educational Classes by a Physical Therapist = $70

4 Core Stability Workouts

Core stability? It's not the "6 pack" you might think. It's WAY more. And if we actually want to build a strong foundation that supports our back, hips, knees and neck you are going to want to start learning here. I'll provide you with the tools to begin building that strong core power from the pelvic floor to scapular control. We will progress through these next 30 days safely and intentionally to truly build a solid foundation.

Value of 4 Core/Pelvic Floor Classes by a Physical Therapist = $50


What are muscle activations? Think of these as your physical therapy guided, corrective exercises. I will be demonstrating and instructing how to get into the most effective, corrective exercises so that, once and for all, you can finally feel those glutes fire up without any back pain or hip flexor issues. Get ready to connect to your body in ways you haven't been able to before!

Value of 5 Corrective Exercises by a Physical Therapist = $25

BONUS: No Equipment Needed!

Workout at the gym OR in the comfort of your own home. We'll get creative, clean some floors, and utilize supplies from home. The intention is FUNCTION. This includes overall STRENGTH, BALANCE, and STABILITY. Learn the WHY and let's OWN OUR BODY AWARENESS.

Weekly Mind-Body Pain Reset Tools + Daily Goals

Our mind has the ability to control our muscles, fascia, movement, and pain. I'll be providing tools to help improve this connection and set you up for long-term success within your body. In addition to movement, we will have a new intention or "focus of the week" each week. We will move and work with some mindset tools using the intention/focus.

A $320 value at minimum and we are giving it away for $45!!

All of this for just over $1/day when you sign up!

Early Bird Pricing Ends SOON!

Join here to start learning!


Click HERE to sign up!

How Will The Challenge Work?

  • The log-in you use to sign up for the challenge (either phone number or gmail) will be the log-in you use to access your challenge each time! Make sure to always use the same entry as you used to initially sign up. To easily find the link again, save this link in your browser: https://jen.health
  • You will also receive a Welcome Email to go over more information about your challenge! Please check spam, junk and promotions folders. You can also search for jen@docjenfit.com through your laptop or computer email service.
  • Your challenge will include a downloadable Welcome Ebook PDF that you can find when you click on your Grateful For My Body Challenge inside "Courses" within the Jen Health Platform.
  • You will have access to the five self-assessment videos that I strongly encourage you go through before your challenge even begins! I recommend slotting 30 minutes somewhere (or doing one assessment at a time) to learn about your body and chart your current starting point before the challenge begins! We have provided a Guided Workbook at the top of your calendar, next to the Welcome Ebook, to track your progress and take notes on your self-assessments.
  • Every Sunday before your week starts, I will send you an email with detailed information on what to expect for the week ahead and your program will unlock the week ahead online! The first Sunday you will receive an email is on March 5th. Keep in mind, you do not need an email to access your challenge! They are just provided as added accountability to keep you going!
  • Every week we will be doing 4 mobility flows, 3 strength workouts, 2 core workouts and 1 muscle activation.
  • Yes, some of the workouts and mobility flows will repeat throughout the month. Remember, if we want to feel something different in the body, we must maintain consistency as we explore and learn new movements! The challenge will be to see how your body progresses throughout the month!
  • And most importantly... you will have access to this program for 6 months! I highly encourage you to keep up with us throughout the month of March to the best of your abilities (don't worry, we all miss a day or two throughout the week 😉) in order to truly experience what 30 consistent days of this type of movement can feel like in your body. And then feel free to go back into your program and repeat workouts as needed after to keep learning!

Who is this challenge for?

  • #Move2Improve is for those who are ready to feel BETTER in their bodies and finally start addressing those consistent aches and pains. We will be sweating as we move through the week, but this guide goes far beyond exercise or workouts. It is for those ready to learn proper movement patterns, understand not only HOW to perform exercises with improved form but WHY we might change body positioning. It is for those who might be ignoring aches and pains in the body or eager to finally understand how to move through them without fearing exercise.
  • Don't have a lot of time to add an hour of yoga or mobility a week? This program will teach you how to understand mobility to implement in smaller pieces throughout your day. The mobility flows each last between 8-15 minutes and can easily be implemented as a warm-up, a cool-down or on a rest day.
  • Been trying to hammer in core work to help your back pain? The core goes way beyond just the abs. And unless we understand how to utilize the breath, work with your pelvic floor, back and entire abdominal region, we might not ever support the body in the most efficient and effective way! As a previous pilates instructor of 6 years and Doctor of Physical Therapy, I have been studying this "core concept" for awhile now. Understanding this foundation can help to relieve back, hip, SI and pelvic pain and dysfunction.
  • Looking for more structure on how to ideally set up your week and not have to think about it? This program will provide a 30 day calendar that will track your progress as you complete each day. You will also receive a daily check-in graphic you are free to download and use after each day in order to hold yourself accountable! Beyond having day-to-day plans, you will have the accountability to show up each day with a huge community of movers all joining in with you! Need more support? Post, comment, and engage with the #Move2Improve2023 community hashtag!
  • Don't have a lot of equipment? Want to workout at home? No problem! We're going to get creative using step stools, ottomans, benches, and understanding of how to change our positioning to add more load in body weight exercises! Through intention and understanding, you will be able to feel muscles burning you've never quite noticed before!

Who is this challenge NOT for?

  • #Move2Improve is not for you if you are looking for a weight loss program. This program is built for you to understand proper exercise execution through expert cueing and video visuals, while understanding how to implement mobility, core and muscle activations into your week. This is your opportunity to learn about your body and appreciate its ability to adapt and reduce pain as you improve strength and mobility.
  • This program is not for you if you are hoping to be diagnosed about a specific pain point or symptom you are currently experiencing. This program is merely an educational tool built by a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Though I am a Doctor, I am not YOUR Doctor and without a proper assessment and personal evaluation, I cannot diagnose you nor prescribe an individual treatment plan.
  • Feel like you may be too advanced for this program? We will be starting "easier" at the beginning of the month to understand foundational concepts and progress as the month goes on. In my experience (yes, even me as a therapist!), there is ALWAYS more to learn. If you are hesitant about relearning core concepts, slowing things down to ensure proper engagement, or even be challenged in your current way of movement and exercise, this program may not be for you. I want to challenge your idea of mobility, core and exercise execution! I am looking to move with those who are open to exploring the body in new and different ways!
  • Uncertain you will like it? Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds with this program. This is a one-time, low price offer for 6-month access to 31 educational videos. I truly built this program to work for just about any person to not only move with but learn at least a few new concepts throughout! We understand the value of learning from a physical therapist and hope you will too! If you're not sure just yet, email us at jen@docjenfit.com with any more questions!
  • Need a diet plan with your movements? There will not be a meal plan included in this program. You can learn more from my friend, Julia Glanz (registered dietitian) on Instagram or her Intermittent Fasting Guide for Women Program. You can also check out Dr. Dom's Kitchen Independence Cookbook HERE!

Have additional questions? Email me at jen@docjenfit.com

How do the challenge prizes work!?

  • Win by posting on Instagram! Yes, you will need a public account. If you don't feel comfortable using your current account, or if you don't have one, you can create a new one just for this challenge! YOU DO NOT NEED AN INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CHALLENGE. This is merely used as an opportunity to win prizes and gain accountability through an incredible community!
  • In order to be entered into winning, you must post a minimum of 3 times per week using the hashtag #Move2Improve2023, you must be following both me @docjenfit AND @jen.health as well as tagging both pages on each post for the challenge. This is a total of 12 posts over March 6th-April 4th.
  • Instagram posts can be whatever it is that resonates with you as you move through this challenge OR one of the daily check-in graphics that we provide throughout the challenge!
  • BONUS entries for posting "I'm In" graphic and referring friends! Learn more about the "Refer Your Friends" program in the Welcome Package!
  • Refer to top of page for prizes available! (up to $500 cash prize!)
  • WINNERS will be chosen on Friday, April 7th
Let's do this!

Hear from some of our past challengers...

"Thank you for the challenge. I learned so much. The muscle activation before going for a run was mind blowing. It goes so much smoother." Stefanie

"Seriously this program has changed so much of the way I think about movement. I feel so much more in tune with my body after listening to you explain stuff. My hips thank you!" - Jasha

"My favorite was core work involving my pelvic floor. Made planks WAY harder than before! I've noticed less lower back tightness after running after adding these types of mobility stretches. You put on a great program. " - Sean

"Thank you for creating this challenge, it's really helping me understand my body and how to move better with scoliosis! I just completed the second core and I have never felt my lower abs the way I do now!" - Julia

Ready to experience the #Move2Improve2023 CHALLENGE!?

I cannot wait to move with you and push these incredible bodies to new possibilities!


Your info is safe with me—I'll never share your email.

Meet DocJenFit

Jen Fraboni, PT, DPT, is an internationally-renown physical therapist who specializes in helping people overcome chronic pain and maximize physical performance. As the founder of two transformative programs, “The Mobility Method” and “The Optimal Body,” she brings a unique, whole body approach to strength, mobility and pain-free living. In 2019, Jen was named one of the top 50 most influential healthcare professionals. Jen’s easily accessible approach has garnered her more than half a million followers on social media and millions of views of her health and fitness videos. Jen has been featured in Shape Magazine, Self Magazine, Men’s Fitness and Muscle and Fitness and in 2020, graced the cover of Oxygen Magazine. She has recently been featured on Good Morning America and NBC. Dr. Jen is the co-host with her husband, who is also a Doctor of Physical Therapy, to a popular podcast called "The Optimal Body Podcast". They live in Los Angeles, California.