Welcome to DAY 1
Mobility of the Day:
- Pec Stretch on the Wall
- Open Book
- Open Book with Angel Reach
Gratitude of the Day:
- Resting pec stretch on pillows for modified foam roll
I believe it is very important to begin mobility with breath and decreasing rigidity through the upper back and chest. With the current world we live in, we constantly have screens in our faces, we are looking down at our phones or we are leaning forward into a computer screen. Rolling on a foam roller is just not enough. Stretching the pecs (front of the chest) or working on chin tucks to decrease forward head posture and increase strength in the deep neck flexors (front of the neck) is also just not enough.
Our bodies need to be able to move. If the head creeps forward or the back rounds, that’s okay! What’s important is that we learn how to move out of those positions and that we move out of them regularly.
Today, I’m giving you my four “go-to” chest and upper back openers. These can work wonders on the body when done consistently. The key to mobility is that it must be done on a regular basis in order to see improvement. Think about how many hours a day you spend looking down at your phone or working on your computer. You spend hours getting yourself into positions that cause adaptations and potential pain.
Now, let’s spend time moving out of these positions and moving into a healthier, open body!
Don’t Forget To Check In!
- Snap a photo or video of what came up for you throughout today! (ex: photo or video of the mobility exercises or just any photo discussing something that came up for you throughout the gratitude meditation)
- Upload it to Instagram (for prizes) or any social media
- Tag (and follow!) @docjenfit and @themobilitymethod and use #gratefulformobility and #docjenfit (make sure your profile is public so I can see it!)
- Keep an eye out for tomorrow’s video!
Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram & Facebook to keep up with all things mobility, pain and injury!