#1 Text Neck Exercise… Just Grab a Towel!

Text Neck has become super prevalent in today’s world!

When we use technology – especially handheld screens – our necks naturally come forward. Then muscles around the neck tense and tighten to protect the head and neck from falling all the way forward. The result is ‘text neck’, also known as ‘turtle neck posture’.

The structures in the front of the neck become very tight while those in the back are lengthened. You may notice poorer posture with your head forward, shoulders rounded, and back slumped inwards. You may also experience pain or stiffness as a part of the dreaded text neck. Now all of a sudden just the simple act of turning your head might feel difficult.

The good news is there are things you can do to combat text neck – beginning with my favorite text neck exercise below!

Watch the video or keep reading for step-by-step instructions on how to do this text neck exercise:

Text neck exercise using a towel

This exercise addresses text neck joint-by-joint. When we improve our joint mobility in this tender area, the nervous system begins to feel safe and relaxed enough so rotating the neck isn’t withheld by tension.

Before we get into the assisted exercise, go ahead and mindfully turn your head to the right. How does that feel? Loose and mobile? Or tight and restricted? We’re just checking in here! After you get an idea of how you’re feeling today it’s time to begin the exercise.

Take a small towel and fold it over, just once or twice should be enough, to make sure you’re able to make a tight crease that you can hold onto. With the crease against your neck, you’re going to be pressing it into the neck joint and using it to help as we mobilize the neck. Start low on the neck (you’ll work your way up.) And make sure you’re really pulling the towel taut and tight!


Now, using your left hand as you hold the towel, you’re going to assist the neck as you carefully rotate towards the right. Essentially you’re helping rotate the joint as you perform your own physical therapy! Keep moving up the neck. Take your time and always be sure to adjust your grip and keep tightening the towel as you go.

Maybe you find an area that makes you go whoa, that’s a little tighter. Just stay and work on that area for a few turns. Keep rotating it out!

When you’ve worked all the way up your neck, release the towel and mindfully rotate your head without assistance. How do you feel now compared to how you felt before the towel exercise?

Now try it again on the opposite side.

Doing these small exercises is super helpful to combat text neck! Try to do it after a long workday, even if you haven’t noticed any stiffness yet, to encourage the nervous system to stay comfortable, safe, and relaxed.

Jen using a towel for text neck

Get into the mobility habit! For free!

When we prioritize daily mobility we create access to a free body! It doesn’t even have to take much time at all. Try my free mobility challenge and I’ll provide you with seven 10-minute exercises to keep you feeling great. (And there’s more included too- click on the link to find out!)

NEXT – 4 Easy neck strengthening exercises to increase mobility

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