Best Foam Rolling Techniques For Neck Pain

Neck pain causing headaches and a lack of focus? Learn the best foam rolling techniques that help keep that neck safe, relieve neck pain, and even reduce those tension headaches…. And… understanding proper technique!

Before we get into the video, how are you doing with everything? Personally, I miss hugs. I miss gathering with friends, events that lift your spirits and meeting new people.

It’s hard, I won’t lie. But I’m continuing to remind myself what I’m grateful for each day. This little act can truly begin to melt stress and lighten the energy around you. Make sure you’re consciously saying at least 1-3 things you’re grateful for daily. Dom and I like like to tell each other, but it’s also helpful to write them out and take at least 5 minutes to breathe, pray, and meditate on those gratitudes.

Now, hopefully, your stress is already down just a bit after remembering gratitudes. But if you’re still feeling those headaches regularly and that neck tension from pain and stress, then you definitely want to tune into this video. In fact, pass it along to some friends you think could benefit from it as well!

A Few Key Notes:

Forward Head Posture & muscles explained – 0:22

Suboccipital Release – 2:12

SCM Release – 3:37

Neck Stretch – 4:46

Buy your own Discounted IntelliRoll Foam Roller with code: DOCJEN

Don’t forget our new podcast The Optimal Body Podcastgoes over a ton of diagnosessymptoms, and pains and not only that… but we actually help you to understand WHY they could be happening in your body and begin to understand what you can do about them. If you haven’t checked it out yet, make sure you go listen on whatever platform you enjoy. We’ve been getting incredible feedback and if you haven’t let us know yet, please leave us a review and let us know what you’re enjoying and what PT Pearl you’d like to learn about next!!

Have a wonderful Sunday relieving neck tension and melting the tension!

In love and health,

Doc Jen



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